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Our Process

Reuse being the best method of extending life of an electrical or electronic product, we recommend refurbishing and reusing electrical and electronic products in the most effective way. This will not only reduce the overall environmental impact, but also offers social benefits for those in need by enabling access to technology. To fulfil our commitment and mission to better the environment, we have designed a holistic start to finish process that will effectively ensure the collection, transportation, reuse, and recycling of your product.

The teams at Hind Recycling are well versed in the process and procedures set by the industry standards (local government bodies and international bodies) in the field of waste management and recycling. Being a UPPCB approved entity, we assure our clients that the materials reaching our facility will be processed by following the industry best practices (both manually and with the help of modernized machinery) thereby ensuring safe disposal of waste materials and completing the cycle of waste management process. We provide our customers the recycling certificate against the waste received from them and recycled which helps them in achieving their Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) for keeping our environment clean and green thereby protecting our planet.

A Simple Process

Schedule Pickup

Onsite Data Destruction

Material Collection

Secured Transport

Receipt of Material


Refurbishment and Repair

Shredding and Segregation


Our Mission

Our mission is to keep as much electronic waste from ending up in local landfills as we can
To work with utmost sincerity to dispose off and reduce at least 50 percent of WastePro produced in India sustainably.
We strive to find means to use things again instead of throwing them so that resources can be utilized in best possible manner for a worthy cause.
To ensure that the e-waste produced, from consumers or producers, is disposed sustainably, without negatively affecting the environment, by reaching out to the maximum number of people possible..

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